Christmas Blogger Challenge - The Turtle Mat Blog - For news, features and competitions! The Turtle Mat Blog – For news, features and competitions!
Turtle Mat The Turtle Mat Company was founded in 1994 when James Turtle discovered the ultimate doormat in his search to protect his customers floors from the damage caused by walked-in dirt and moisture to floors and carpets. Turtle Mat proudly joined the Kleen-Tex family in late 2016, a perfect pairing with a shared mission to provide tried, trusted and innovative products to our customers and with a focus on excellent customer service. 01204284201 Facebook Instagram YouTube Pinterest

Christmas Blogger Challenge

Rebecca Wilson on the subject of Crafts. Posted on December 7th, 2016.

Last December, we challenged a number of craft bloggers to take part in our Christmas wreath-making challenge, with some fantastic results. This year, to get into the festive spirit once again, we challenged some more talented craft bloggers to design and create their very own Christmas stockings to fill with little treats and presents.


Inside the Christmas blogger boxes are all the essential items needed to help create the perfect Christmas stocking, including tinsel, a sewing kit, pine cones, glitter glue, decorative robins, string, hessian, and bells. Last entries for the competition can be submitted up until midnight on Sunday, 18th December and the successful winner will get to choose from one of our stunning mats.


Will you be making your own stocking to hang up this Christmas? Comment below or tweet us and let us know what other decorations you’re planning to create for the festive season.