Winter is upon us and so are the frosty mornings, dark evenings and seasonal festivities. Whether you believe this is the most wonderful time of the year (see what we did there?) or whether you want to hibernate your way through it, we have 5 simple ideas on how to make your home a cosy […]
Subject: In the Home
5 Ideas for a cosy home this winter
On December 21st, 2017 Rebecca Wilson wrote on the subject of In the Home,Interior design.
New Botanicals: 3 Blooming good ideas for your home
On November 15th, 2017 Rebecca Wilson wrote on the subject of In the Home,Interior design.
As one of the biggest modern trends, botanical interiors has inspired many to bring the beauty of the great-outdoors inside. So nature lovers rejoice and embrace these 3 simple tips on how to implement a stylish horticultural feel into your home. 1. Gilded leafs Combine key interior trends by showcasing indoor plants in metallic containers […]
3 bright ideas for your home this spring
On March 20th, 2017 Rebecca Wilson wrote on the subject of In the Home.
As the days lighten and spring’s colourful display begins to pop up all around (yes, we’re talking about you daffodils!) so too comes a wish to freshen up our homes and bring some of that ‘spring zing’ indoors. So, without further ado, here’s our three quick tips to help you bring brights into your […]
How to incorporate edible flowers in your cooking
On May 26th, 2015 Rebecca Wilson wrote on the subject of In the Home.
Chelsea Flower Show took place last week and we were delighted to receive a 4-star award from RHS – Royal Horticultural Society for our stand again this year. The Chelsea Flower Show is always a lovely way to celebrate spring being in full bloom. If you weren’t able to attend, don’t worry as there are so many other ways […]
How Healthy is Your Sleep Routine?
On March 11th, 2015 Rebecca Wilson wrote on the subject of In the Home.
With World Sleep Day taking place on March 13th, it is a good time to reflect on if we are doing enough to prepare our bodies for sleep in the evenings. We carried out some research recently into the nation’s pre-sleep habits and found that an alarming number of us are spending our evenings immersed […]